Monday, November 1

SweetiePie's True and False

Here is my true and false

1. I have never preformed in a full length play, but i will at the end of this year.

2. I think Justin Bieber is an awesome singer

3. I have done some kind of advertising via film.

let me know what you guys think is wrong.


  1. Hmm... number 2? (Remember not to tell the answer until everyone has guessed or it's the end of the month.) :)

  2. i am going to go with.....hmmmmm......2!

  3. lol, either everyone's going to be right or everyone's going to be wrong... :)

  4. good job lightyear your branching out, i am not saying you are correct nor am i saying you are wrong.

  5. 2 I have to say and I'm NOT saying that because everyone else is I really think that us what it is!

  6. WOW!!!! Come on people! It's totally number 1!

  7. Okay I think i am allowed to say what one it is. and sorry i haven't been on for a really long time. Oh and Hi fifi! lol.
    okay so everyone got it right except for Lightyear. I hate Justin Bieber. and my cousin(Christie) was confused.


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