Tuesday, July 5

Audrey's Daily Schedule

So, the first "challenge" was to post about my daily routine. Now, in the summer, my routine usually goes something like this:

Wake up.

Kidding! (Of course...) My schedule actually goes like:

Wake up.
Go to the bathroom. Haha.
Eat breakfast.
Take the dog for a walk. (Sometimes...)
Do the laundry.
Check my e-mails and Blogger.
Eat lunch.
Go to a friend's house/have a friend over/go somewhere with a friend OR stay at home and watch TV.
Eat dinner (possibly at the friend's house).
Check my e-mails and Blogger AGAIN.
Brush my teeth.
Go to bed.

There are a bunch of other things I could fit in there because I do different things every day, but if I had to pick a few things that seemed to fit in to almost every day... well, that's what I basically just did. So... check Blog About Everything tomorrow (and the next day, and the day after that) because the other bloggers should be posting for this week's challenge soon. :)

Me - Monday
Brianna - Tuesday
Abby - Wednesday
Alex - Thursday
Kathleen and Aaron - Friday

And when you make your post, put in the labels:
Your name (i.e., Audrey)
30 Week Challenge
Name of current week's challenge (#1 Daily Schedule)

And you can make your post title and post as creative as you want, just make sure you put your name in the post title. :)
See you next week! ;)


  1. did u post urs 2day cuz yesterday was the 4th of July? and do u still want me 2 post mine 2day?

  2. Yes I posted it because I didn't have the time on Monday (4th of July.) :)


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