Monday, September 19


No, I'm not here to talk about the drink. This week's theme has nothing to do with drinks at all. Here's a picture of my puppy. Her name is Pepsi. <3 This picture is from about a month and a half ago, which is a long time considering she's currently five months old.
About Pepsi...
Gender: Girl
Age: 5 Months
Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Hobbies: BARKING!!! O.O
Favorite color: Haha JK! Just wanted to add another section... :P
Okay everyone! So... our real theme this week (the pet one was for last week) is supposed to be up to Brianna. Sorry I forgot to tell you that Bri! So... next week's theme is up to Bri. (Bri, make sure you don't pick a theme that's going to be one of the future themes I've already planned out.) =)

1 comment:

    haha...ok well i'll think about it then...and try to figure something out by tonite! :)


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