Wednesday, November 16

My Favorite Thing I Own...

Sorry this is late guys, i had a really long day of dancing for 7hrs yesterday, 5 out of 7 of those hrs where classes i had to teach. and when i got home i had homework and then i had internet problems so i wasn't able to get on in time to post something before i went to bed so i wasn't able to get around to it till now. but anyways...

here it is!!! My favorite thing that i own! :D MACBOOK PRO. its so awesome, and i'm pretty much on it everyday. :)
lol...and yea, i'm kinda tired so this is gonna b a short one, but hopefully u still like it XD


  1. Wow, that's stinking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had a MACPRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  2. all macs are awesome. The pictures though are of a macbook air. (I should know I live with three people who own them)


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