Tuesday, August 2

YES! :) What I Love Most About Summer!!! :D

Alrighty then...so #5 out of 31 is WHAT I LOVE MOST ABOUT SUMMER! :D 
Hahaha...well, there are so many things about summer that I LOVE! :) but I think this year, one thing in particular stands out for me...and that would be....(pause for effect ;)
NO SCHOOL! :D lol...I've had to do summer school ever since I've been homeschooled. Which I've been homeschooled since 1st grade, and I'm now in 12th....u can do the math! ;) 
Anyways...last school year, i was determined to get everything done so that I could have a summer with no school to do! :D And I achieved my goal,  and I am thrilled about it...
I've enjoyed every second of my summer so far, with all the swimming, going to the beach, hanging with friends, making movies, taking pics, reading books non stop (the good kind of books too) and becoming closer with my God as I'm learning everyday, and getting ready for the stage of leaping into the world. Its crazy to think about, and part of me is ready, and the other part no so much...but I know that it will all be beneficial! :) hehehe...anyways, i think my favorite thing so far besides no school, would have to be going to the beach (especially with friends)! its the best way to spend your summer.... :D

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