Monday, August 8

Audrey is a Pro Skater

Hey peoples of earth!
Aaron, our August blogger of the month, has come up with the theme for this week, which is skateboarding. So you can post anything you want about skateboarding. So if you're no expert at skateboarding you can post your opinion on it, or even pictures, and if you know how to skateboard then just post... something! Haha! He wasn't too specific about it. Sorry if it's a hard one! Here's my post!

I kinda love skateboarding, but I'm not great at it. Let me be more specific... I'm not good at it. At all. Sure I can make it move with me on it without falling off and everything but I can't do any tricks or anything, and I wouldn't survive in a skate park. So yeah... another short post for y'all. Best post ever though, right? So yeah!

Bye guys! Oh Aaron says he likes my picture.

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