Thursday, January 27

True and False

Did anybody post the answers to their True and False posts?
Also, since this blog is probably "boring" do you think we should make the blog go by different "serieses" or however you write the plural of series (haha) and occasionally have contests, games, and activities whenever I can come up with them? Oh and if you have any ideas of things to do for the blog, leave them in the comments below! What I mean by series is, like, fill in the blank days on say the fifteenth of every month etc... plus, I noticed we definately haven't been making a post a month, so I'd also be sending all you guys notifications each time I post what we're going to be doing... and we could have any kind of contest you want... maybe every month I could still come up with some sort of activity... and maybe you could post about interesting things without it having to be a "set" type thing where I decide what you're going to write about...
I don't know, it's just an idea...! Does it make any sense? I'd completely change the blog around, maybe delete our older posts or something... anyway, here's our story for this month. (a.k.a. last month– December.)

I was stranded on an island with nothing but crabs, monkeys, bananas, and coconuts to keep me company. The monkeys were pulling my hair off, the crabs were pinching me until I was really red (and they kept pinching me after that as well) and the bananas and coconuts (both which I hate the taste of) were all that was there to keep me alive. One day, to my relief and surprise, I saw... a big dragon and tried to run but the crabs kept pinching me! so then I threw them off and the dragon ate them! But then it came after me so I hid behind a tree and as he passed I saw there were big scorpions on me! ( the big ones aren't Poisonous little ones are) so they pinched even harder then the crabs so then I went into the water and saw sharks! Then I... ...screamed my head off.(I hate sharks) then i felt something brush against me, thinking it was a shark i stood very still. But it ended up being a dolphin. So it sacared away the sharks then took me to the other side of the island and dropped me off. Then I started walking around and saw what looked like a man. And I.... ... Saw what looked like a cruise ship in the distance.  At last!  A chance to get off of this miserable piece of sand! I immediately got up and began wildly waving my arms around like a windmill, saying things like 'over here!' and 'right here!' Well, they saw me!  A little rescue boat was making its way towards me.  I was saved! But then I noticed the figure of what like a man was walking towards me. Panicking, I waved the boat over some more even though it was already speeding towards the island. The man walked towards me even faster now. When the man came into the light, I saw that he was old and dressed exactly like a pirate. By now the boat was only a foot away from the island. Someone helped me onto the boat then helped up the strange man. I sighed with a sort of relief that at least I was on this boat, and as long as I was on it, surrounded by tons of other adults, the man would have absolutely no chance of harming me. It was then that I realized the people in the boat were dressed like pirates as well. I gasped as I saw a ship with the skull shaped flag turn towards the puny boat.

The end... ;)

Okay, so who likes the happy ending? (Have you got a good title for the story?) Oh and please leave comments on this post for ideas of things to do on this blog or whether you like my idea or like the blog how it is... I'll leave a poll in the sidebar... :)


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