Wednesday, November 16

My Favorite Thing I Own...

Sorry this is late guys, i had a really long day of dancing for 7hrs yesterday, 5 out of 7 of those hrs where classes i had to teach. and when i got home i had homework and then i had internet problems so i wasn't able to get on in time to post something before i went to bed so i wasn't able to get around to it till now. but anyways...

here it is!!! My favorite thing that i own! :D MACBOOK PRO. its so awesome, and i'm pretty much on it everyday. :)
lol...and yea, i'm kinda tired so this is gonna b a short one, but hopefully u still like it XD

Thursday, November 10

Here's A Poem I Wrote

Friendship is a sheltering tree,
Sweet like a melody,
Never ending like the buzzing of a bee,
As vast as the ocean,
As deep as the sea,
Full of laughter and fun,
Friendship is for everyone.

Wednesday, November 9

Hey Ya'll, This My First Post And Its Gonna Be Short....

Sup, guys! This is my first post annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, yeah. So, I'll like think of something to post later. Anyway, HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 8

Something I want to have...

I don't really know if there's just one thing that i want to have. Mostly of the things i want are like an iPhone, or a new iPod and stuff like that. But sometimes all i want is a hug! lol...weird ik.

Thursday, November 3

One Of My Favorite Books... its been a really long time since any of us has posted, and so i think its about time to kick it up again and get things going! :) so i'll start even tho today isn't my day...

one of my favorite books is The Bible! :D
there are so many stories in the bible that i like, such as the story of Ester, or David, Jesus' Birth, and when He died on the Cross for our sins!
God's life and love is alive in this book, His book, the greatest resource of History and what has gone on throughout many decades of time. It's His Story, and it brings me knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and peace when i read His Word! He gave it to us, so that we maybe not be nieve, but know who He is and who we are to Him, and what He's given us to do in life! :D
I love the Bible! <3

Thursday, September 29

.....something by me.......

Psalm 51(in my own words).....9/15/2010

Have mercy on me, O God,
Because of Your Everlasting love;
Because of the multitude of You tender mercies,
Blot out my sins and faults.
Wash me clean from my wickedness and evil,
And purify me of my sin.
I acknowledge my sin,
For it follows me like a shadow.
Against You and only You , have I sinned,
For I have done what is evil in You sight--
You will be proven true in the words You speak.
And Your judgment upon me is forever just.
For I was born in evil,
A sinner from the moment my mother conceived me.
But You desire truth in the life that forms in the womb,
Teaching Your wisdom even then, and there.
Strip me of all evil and sin, that I may be clean;
Wash me of this dirty slate,
And I shall be whiter than snow.
Let me hear Your everlasting joy and gladness,
That in my brokenness, I may rejoice in You,
For You have broken me, help me rejoice,
Do not face me and my filthy stains of sin,
Blot our that which haunts me.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew in me a grounded spirit in You.
Do not leave me alone from You presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me.
Restore in me the joy and Your salvation,
And lift me up by Your generous Spirit.
Then I will teach those, who are as I was, You ways
And all sinners shall look to You.
For give me and take away the guilt of murder,
O God, the God of Salvation and healing,
That my tongue shall sing out loud of Your righteousness.
Lord, open my lips,
That I should sing songs of praise and worship to Your name.
For You desire not sacrifice,
Or else I would give it;
Nor do You desire burnt offering.
But the sacrifices of God Almighty,
Are that of a broken spirit, and that of a broken heart,
For You will not ignore, nor reject that which is repentant
before You.

~Brianna Davis (9/15/2o1o)
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