Thursday, November 3

One Of My Favorite Books... its been a really long time since any of us has posted, and so i think its about time to kick it up again and get things going! :) so i'll start even tho today isn't my day...

one of my favorite books is The Bible! :D
there are so many stories in the bible that i like, such as the story of Ester, or David, Jesus' Birth, and when He died on the Cross for our sins!
God's life and love is alive in this book, His book, the greatest resource of History and what has gone on throughout many decades of time. It's His Story, and it brings me knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and peace when i read His Word! He gave it to us, so that we maybe not be nieve, but know who He is and who we are to Him, and what He's given us to do in life! :D
I love the Bible! <3

1 comment:

  1. Omygosh!!!!!!!! ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE BIBLE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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