Monday, September 19


This is my dog Roscoe :D
lol...he's part yellow lab, part alaskan husky! :)
We've had him for about 8-9 maybe 10 that means he's......
uuuuummmmm......well, u can do the math and let me know how old that makes him in doggie years! ;)
haha...anyways...he's a really good dog, the sweetest thing on earth. but he's too smart for his own good! and he things he's still a puppy, with the addition to the fact that he also thinks he's a human. cuz he sits in chairs! XD LOL....anyways....
he's kinda chubby, and very lazy! :P he's gotten more lazy as the years have gone by, cuz he's getting old. but he's still fun to play with when he has the energy to play.
he's not very tall or long, but just right....and altho he sheds fur EVERYWHERE!!!! O.o and altho he's breath STINKS 24/, i love him a bunch! :D

OK SO....seeing that this weeks topic is undecided, and i'm not going to be able to make a post tomorrow! :P i'll just says something random pertaining to this month...and that will b considered as my contribution for a post this week..... random thing i'm going to tell you all is......


YEA...SO....that's it :D lol....the 26th, is my bday. and i'm turning...................we'll i'll let u guess, and u can comment on what u think my age is. :) and 4 those of u who know...try not to give it away! ;)
lol...even tho almost everyone who's apart of this blog already knows my age XD 4 those who dont....just guess ;)
hope u guys likes the post :D
TILL NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!


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