Thursday, May 5

Short Stories

New Challenge!

So what is going to happen is that I am going to make up a character and you have to write a short story(three to four sentences) about my character and post it in the comments. Then after a couple days I will pick my favorite short story and write a tale about the person who cam up with the short story. And I have to include something about that person's short story.

Bob writes about Joey who is blind and like Pizza.

Then people comment their short stories and Bob picks his favorite. Lets say he picked Susan, Susan wrote a short story about Joey: Joey lives in the magical land of Spono. He eats Pizza every night. Every morning he goes for a walk.
then Bob has to write a tale about Susan and something in Susan's short story such as The magical land of Spono, or taking a walk, or eating Pizza.

So lets just see how this works.

The first Character is Julie: Julie is one years old and likes to say ga ga.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Um Abby, the short story is only supposed to be around three to four sentences. so if you could condence

  3. well what can I say! I'm a writer! hahahahaha! I'll see if I have time.........................

  4. To me that is pretty short, hahahaqhahahaha!

  5. Hmm, maybe it should be like you write a story that's at least three or four sentences long?

  6. :) I can go with that story.
    So the max sentences is SIX

  7. k I'll edit it wait you can't so I'll just re write the whole thing

  8. Dear Thoughts book,
    Julie my one year old little sister did her first very own spell, it was spectacular! All she said was "ga ga" her icky looking baby food turned into ice cream! Ma gave her some more baby food and let ME have the ice cream!!!!! We named the ice cream flavor 'Julie gaga'. I still cant figure out how to make that ice cream, oops.............. I got a new pet frog! Haha!

    How's that?

  9. cool. Now other people have to write their short stories. Like Audrey!!!!

  10. Thanks! Come on people I want to hear you story's too!


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