Saturday, November 6


Wow you guys... everybody made their posts on this blog and it hasn't even been a week since the first theme was posted.
Make sure you read through everyone else's posts and that you've guessed on them.
I just put a poll up on the left sidebar asking whose post was the most interesting or enjoyable or whatever you want to call it.
See you next month on BAE!!!

Oh and to find our true or false posts:

Purple Abby's

(P.S.) We can still accept new authors.

Purple-Abby's True or False

My sister graduated at 16

I'm allergic to all animals

My favorite ice cream is cookies and cream

Friday, November 5

lightyears true of false

here is my true or false

1.i am the oldest boy in my family

2.i love how to train your dragon

3.i really really want aragorns quest for wii

Taz's True or False

1. I am obsessive over my dog.

2. I dance 8 hours a week.

3. I teach ballet and tap to 3-5 year olds.

Well, take a guess at it.............

Tuesday, November 2

clones true or false

k so here is my true or false

1. i am the middle child of my family

2. my favorite star wars character is boba fett

3. i share a room with all of my brothers and sisters

Monday, November 1

Dini's True and False

here is my true or false

1. my favorite movie is how to train your dragon

2. my favorite color is purple

3. i love action figures and transformers

Alex's True and False

True and False is the theme of the blog right now, so I'm going to do my true and false.  Read them all and tell me what you think is true and what you think is false.

1. I like Binturongs

2. I like Kudus

3. I like Pine Martens

Well go ahead and guess

PJ's True and False

Hey guys!
The theme this month is "true and false." You have to guess the fact that isn't true. Here are my facts:

  1. I like disco balls
  2. I like drawing.
  3. I like shredding papers in our shredder.
Okay guys. There are my random facts. Guess which one is not true in the comments.

SweetiePie's True and False

Here is my true and false

1. I have never preformed in a full length play, but i will at the end of this year.

2. I think Justin Bieber is an awesome singer

3. I have done some kind of advertising via film.

let me know what you guys think is wrong.

Theme #1: True and False

The first theme of this blog will be "True and False."
You will write down three different “facts.” One will be false, while the other two will be true. The readers and authors will have to guess which one is false, so you have to make sure the facts won’t be obvious, such as “I am a girl (or boy)” or “I am ___ years old” because, of course, we would most likely already know the answer to that. Also, make sure you don't put in anything about your location or anything that's extremely personal like that. Oh, and at the beginning of your post, please say what the theme is. Thanks! Here's my "True and False" post.
  1. I get really cautious over black widows when I'm in the dark outside of my house.
  2. I tend to sleep on my back.
  3. I like this certain Green Day song, but I don't like any others from them.
Okay, so there are my 3 facts! Don't go looking them up on my blog cuz I don't have them posted... yet! =) You can't guess twice. Okay thanks! And if you want to receive e-mails each time something is posted on this blog, please contact me. Thanks again! (Third "thanks" in this post, haha.) BUH BYE!
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