Monday, November 1

PJ's True and False

Hey guys!
The theme this month is "true and false." You have to guess the fact that isn't true. Here are my facts:

  1. I like disco balls
  2. I like drawing.
  3. I like shredding papers in our shredder.
Okay guys. There are my random facts. Guess which one is not true in the comments.


  1. Hmm... I'm totally confused now! Okay, I'm guessing you don't like drawing. Okay, so...

    #2 is false?

  2. I think . . . Um . . . No. 2! I think a lot of things are number 2 . . .

  3. im not sure so i am going to go with 2

  4. Yeah... I always go with 2... :) ok well if the answer is really obvious I pick that answer, but when I'm kind of confused or uncertain I go with 2. :)

  5. I day one of two can't decide! I'll say two


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