Saturday, July 30

Aaron Doesn't Know One Plus One

My favorite subject is math. It is really easy sometimes. Sometimes my book even asks me what one plus one is. I think that's CRAZY! What about you?
I don't like school that much though! It's boring sometimes!
Well I have to go because... I just have to go. SO BYE!

Wednesday, July 27

My Favorite Subject....

Hey Everybody,
Sorry this is late, i sort of forgot about doing this yesterday! :P but now that I've remembered...I don't really have a favorite favorite subject in school, because its SCHOOL! ;P but if i were to list my subjects in order from the one i like the most, to the one i like the least, it would be: reading/literature, science, english, math, history. So yea, that's it! :)

Purple Abby's favorite subject

My favorite subject is History because it is like Gods story of life and it is really awesome. You need to know your history like some famous person said something like if you don't know history it is bound to repeat itself. That is why it is very important that this gerarion learns history so that we won't repeat world war ll or anything like that. Haha sort kinda turned into something else the. Answering yeh question. Well wouldnt want to fall a sleep so bye for this week! :p

Monday, July 25

Audrey Has a Favorite Subject!?!?!?

Talk about your favorite subject in school.
Wow. Favorite subject in school? I'll have to think about that one. Possibly science, even though that's my second (I think) worst subject. Or math, which is my best subject, but I don't like it that much like I used to... so I'm not sure.
Let's just stick with "recess."
Recess is my favorite subject because—
Wait wait wait. I was just kidding. I'll just say science.
Science is probably the subject that's most fun to read. My eighth grade textbook was probably the easiest to understand so far. because it was from a different publisher than my earler jr. high textbooks. AND! I actually got my first A (THREE A's in some of my tests! Boo ya!) in science, when my average used to be C or D (yeah, I know), I would say.
Okay, so my average is still probably a B or C, I'll admit that. I got an F once (OH NO!) but I'll still say science is my favorite subject. The lab experiments are fun to do and watch, but there's still a lot of studying I have to do. 
Good luck, Audrey in 9th grade after the end of summer. Fingers crossed... 
P.S. I wrote this but pressed save instead of publish! Oops. :P

Saturday, July 23

Aaron's Favorite Series EVER

I love the Magic Tree House books. They are about Jack and Annie, and they have a magic tree house that takes them on adventures back and time and to other countries. There are 46 books so far but the lady is making more. I can't wait!

Friday, July 22

Silly Writer's Stuff

Hey guys,
I started writing again in my main blog Silly Writer's Stuff. (I made up the name in like 2007.)
Here's the link to my blog if you guys don't already have it... it's public so you'll be able to see in your following stream thingy when I add a new post. :)

My Blog

Audrey :)

Wednesday, July 20

Purple Abby's favorite fiction books

Yeah that is a VERY hard one! :p but no matter how hard it is I'll just give a list I kinda only read Fu Fiona and read mostly book that I like except for school books thatt is :p Here it goes!

Kingdom keepers! Oh yeah!
Red rock mysteries
Nancy drew
The inheratance
Ella enchanted

Oh come on I know this what else?!


Oh yeah Count of Monte Christo (1188 pages with tiny writing I might add :p)

And there is more but I think this list will be okay :D

Monday, July 18

Audrey's Favorite Book (With a Pretty Cover)

Week #3: Talk about your favorite fiction book.
The Lost Hero.
Honestly, this is not my all-time favorite book, but since I've read the HP series over until I memorized it, I don't think of it as my "favorite series" anymore. Rick Riordan is (in my opinion) one of the best authors ever. If you've read the Percy Jackson series already (or even if you haven't) I would definitely recommend you read this book. It has Percy and Annabeth in it, but there are new main characters: Jason, Leo, and Piper. This book also (of course) has to do with Greek mythology.
Read it!!!

Saturday, July 16

Aaron Doesn't Have Any Pictures! :O

Sorry guys! I don't have any pictures for today because Audrey's computer doesn't have any pictures I took so here's a Photo Booth picture!

Thursday, July 14

Tuesday, July 12

coolio pics :)

Haha...I almost 4got 2 post these, but here they newest photos i've taken! ENJOY!!! :D

#1 is of a flower my sister gave me, and I just absolutely loved it cuz it was purple
#2-7 are of a lego house i made while i was up @ my grandparents house 4 a week..
and #8,9 r of me! :)

Monday, July 11

Audrey's Snapshots

So, (almost) everyone posted their schedules last week.
Theme #2, this week's theme, is....
[Cue drumroll...]
Theme #2: A recent picture you took.
It can honestly be as many pictures as you want, and it can be one of you or of anything else you happened to take a picture of. Even if it's a picture of a drawing.

So, since Blogger wasn't uploading my most recent photos, here are my second most recent photos.

So... post your recent photos. I wanna see them! ;)

Sunday, July 10


Cathryn's daily schedule

1.wake up at 10
2.lay in bed till 11
3.get out of bed and clean up my room till twelve lunch at 12-1
5.then i sit down for a few hours and doodle/draw
6.then when i get done doodling i do my chores
7.then i eat dinner at 6:30- 8:00 (when ever it gets done)
8.the i draw or read a book. or if its family night we play games.
9.then my brothers and little sis go to bed and i turn on the tv and watch shows and movies with my mom and older sisters.
10.then i go to bed whenever my mom sends me.
11.then the day starts over.

Saturday, July 9

Aaron's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Schedule

Today I have to post my schedule, so here it is!

  • I wake up
  • I go to the bathroom
  • I play on my iPod
  • I eat breakfast
  • I play more on my iPod
  • Play with the dog
  • Eat lunch
  • Go outside and ride my bike
  • Eat dinner
  • Take dog out to use bathroom
  • Then I go to sleep and I wake up the next morning and start it all over again!


Friday, July 8

Al's Fantasticly Boring Daily Routine (AFBDR)

1. Wake up
2. Brush teeth
3. Have breakfast
4. Do school
5. Draw
6. Computer
7. Research animals, Dinosaurs, etc
8. Play with dog
9. More research
10. Blogger
11. Draw some more
12. Play with dog
13. Draw a bit more
14. Brush teeth
15. Go to bed

And there is AFBDR, Al's Fantasticly Boring Daily Routine ;)

Tuesday, July 5

Abby Ahlers

Sorry I'll be really busy tomorrow so I'm going to post this now tonight :D

Abby's daily routine

Wake up
Eat breakfast
Clean kitchen
Take a shower
Put contacts on
Get on computer/iPod and check email Ect.
Eat lunch
Clean Kitchen
Read a book
Do extra school (not to catch up but to get ahead :D)
Check email ect. Again
Write my book
Eat Dinner
Clean kitchen
Make popcorn
Watch family movie with family
Take contacts off
Get ready for bed
Check my email ect. One more time!
Go to bed

I do check my email ect. Some times more often then others :) and some times watch a movie after lunch too but not often :D and order of actives may very :)

Brianna's Spectacular

Ok turn! :)
DAILY ROUTINE...which is going 2 b somewhat hard summing up bcuz my schedule isn't always consistent, and the same (especially during the summer)...but I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. Lol!

  1. Wake up
  2. Go 2 the bathroom
  3. Say good morning 2 my family
  4. Get breakfast
  5. Take a shower
  6. Check my emails
  7. Practice piano (sometimes)
  8. Practice violin (sometimes)
  9. Do school (NOT during the summer tho :)
  10. Get ready 4 dance
  11. Go 2 dance
  12. Dance (lol)
  13. Get home from dance...
  14. Crash on the couch XD
  15. Eat diner
  16. Check emails again...
  17. Take a shower
  18. Read in bed/ stay up and do stuff on the computer/ rarely watch tv
  19. Go 2 sleep really early in the morning ;)
So...i believe that's it...i do teach piano somewhere in all that mess, but it varies so much i decided not 2 put it in the list! But that's my Spectacular, not really, but i thought it was a good title ;)

Audrey's Daily Schedule

So, the first "challenge" was to post about my daily routine. Now, in the summer, my routine usually goes something like this:

Wake up.

Kidding! (Of course...) My schedule actually goes like:

Wake up.
Go to the bathroom. Haha.
Eat breakfast.
Take the dog for a walk. (Sometimes...)
Do the laundry.
Check my e-mails and Blogger.
Eat lunch.
Go to a friend's house/have a friend over/go somewhere with a friend OR stay at home and watch TV.
Eat dinner (possibly at the friend's house).
Check my e-mails and Blogger AGAIN.
Brush my teeth.
Go to bed.

There are a bunch of other things I could fit in there because I do different things every day, but if I had to pick a few things that seemed to fit in to almost every day... well, that's what I basically just did. So... check Blog About Everything tomorrow (and the next day, and the day after that) because the other bloggers should be posting for this week's challenge soon. :)

Me - Monday
Brianna - Tuesday
Abby - Wednesday
Alex - Thursday
Kathleen and Aaron - Friday

And when you make your post, put in the labels:
Your name (i.e., Audrey)
30 Week Challenge
Name of current week's challenge (#1 Daily Schedule)

And you can make your post title and post as creative as you want, just make sure you put your name in the post title. :)
See you next week! ;)
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