Tuesday, July 5

Brianna's Spectacular Schedule...lol

Ok so...my turn! :)
DAILY ROUTINE...which is going 2 b somewhat hard summing up bcuz my schedule isn't always consistent, and the same (especially during the summer)...but I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. Lol!

  1. Wake up
  2. Go 2 the bathroom
  3. Say good morning 2 my family
  4. Get breakfast
  5. Take a shower
  6. Check my emails
  7. Practice piano (sometimes)
  8. Practice violin (sometimes)
  9. Do school (NOT during the summer tho :)
  10. Get ready 4 dance
  11. Go 2 dance
  12. Dance (lol)
  13. Get home from dance...
  14. Crash on the couch XD
  15. Eat diner
  16. Check emails again...
  17. Take a shower
  18. Read in bed/ stay up and do stuff on the computer/ rarely watch tv
  19. Go 2 sleep really early in the morning ;)
So...i believe that's it...i do teach piano somewhere in all that mess, but it varies so much i decided not 2 put it in the list! But that's my Spectacular schedule...lol, not really, but i thought it was a good title ;)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I forgot take a shower in mine but I remembered brush my teeth. -.-


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