Monday, July 25

Audrey Has a Favorite Subject!?!?!?

Talk about your favorite subject in school.
Wow. Favorite subject in school? I'll have to think about that one. Possibly science, even though that's my second (I think) worst subject. Or math, which is my best subject, but I don't like it that much like I used to... so I'm not sure.
Let's just stick with "recess."
Recess is my favorite subject because—
Wait wait wait. I was just kidding. I'll just say science.
Science is probably the subject that's most fun to read. My eighth grade textbook was probably the easiest to understand so far. because it was from a different publisher than my earler jr. high textbooks. AND! I actually got my first A (THREE A's in some of my tests! Boo ya!) in science, when my average used to be C or D (yeah, I know), I would say.
Okay, so my average is still probably a B or C, I'll admit that. I got an F once (OH NO!) but I'll still say science is my favorite subject. The lab experiments are fun to do and watch, but there's still a lot of studying I have to do. 
Good luck, Audrey in 9th grade after the end of summer. Fingers crossed... 
P.S. I wrote this but pressed save instead of publish! Oops. :P

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