Tuesday, August 23

Audrey Wants No Paparazzi Please!

Ughhh I'm sooo sorry AGAIN you guysss! (Or Brianna mainly...) :) So the theme is dream job, right? 

#8: Post about your dream job. 

Yes... it is. :) 
My dream job? Take a guess! 
Here are some hints: 
1. The title! 
2. If you know me... 
3. Think about a screen.
Still thinking? Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway... just in case. My dream job is to be an actress, especially on a TV show. So there ya have it. I have one of those types of dream jobs that make people look at you and say, "Um, not gonna happen" or "Dream on." Haha! :)
I've wanted to be an actress ever since I was six or so. I've been in two school plays but nothing better, but I do have my own YouTube account where I occasionally post skits between like 1,000,000 vlogs so yeah.
Umm... I don't know what to say EXCEPT I will try SUPER HARD to make my posts on time. As you can see if you actually read this blog, I NEVER DO ANYMORE! I'm super sorry about that... they have a word for this sort of thing.
People don't trust me with their young children. Just kidding they do. Which is a bad thing. Just kidding it's not. I'M ONLY IRRESPONSIBLE WHEN IT COMES TO BLOGGING. I have a ton of stuff to do on the computer– well, not really... here's all I have to do on the computer...
1. Check my emails (and get caught up in chats with my friends for a couple hours...)
2. Respond to YouTube comments and subscribe to people if they want me to subscribe to them... hehe... cuz I'm nice. 
3. Make a YouTube video.
4. Edit it.
5. Wait as it gets uploaded to YouTube.
6. Write my story... I'm addicted.
7. Take PhotoBooth pictures. :)
8. Listen to music for a longgg time and then try to memorize the lyrics to a certain song (but failing...)
9. Watching other peoples' videos on YouTube.
10. Watching TV shows/movies.
11. All the way at the bottom of the list is "go on blog about everything." I should probably move it up a little huh?

Ok so I almost forgot to add in a picture to this post. So here's a picture. 

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