Tuesday, August 16

A strange/cool fact that hardly anyone knows about. O.o

To be honest with ya'll....i have no idea exactly what i'm supposed to be posting right now! lol
I mean...am i supposed to be posting something strange/cool fact about myself...or about anything.
But i guess seeing that I don't know the answer to that ? @ this point....I'll just post about both options! :D
so...first one!!!
1. a strange/cool fact that hardly anyone knows about.....
hhhhhmmmmmm.....let me think!

ooooohhhhh....ooooohhhhh...i GOT IT! :D lol...here ya go:

Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow a film down so you could see his moves. That's the opposite of the norm.

did anyone know that already? cuz i didnt! lol...i hope its not cheating if u look 4 something on google! lol XD

oh well...moving on. next one...

2. a strange/cool fact about me....
well....there's a lot of those! but 2 name just one.....
i have a lighter spot on my stomach that's in the shape of a triangle, and it goes all the way from my ribs all the way to the end of my stomach! lol...weird, ik! 
but that's all i got....
so hopefully that was strange and cool enough 4 u all....
bye now....

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